Welcome to the Feral Druid PvP guide for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King! In this guide, you will learn how to properly play a Feral Druid in PvP scenarios, whether those might be battlegrounds, arenas, or the open world. Feral Druids assume th
In this section we will be covering the stat priority list for a Feral Druid as it applies to PvP combat in Wrath of the Lich King! ResilienceHit RatingArmor PenetrationCritical Strike ChanceAttack PowerAgilityHasteSpell Penetration When it comes to Play
In addition to the optimisations you can make to your character and to your gameplay, having useful addons and macros can impact your performance in raids. Throughout Classic and TBC, macros were absolutely essential to Feral tank gameplay as they were r
Welcome to the home page of our Feral Druid Tank Guide for WoW: Wrath of the Lich King! This guide aims to take an in-depth look at everything to do with Feral Druid tanks; each facet of what it takes to play the class to its fullest will have its…
PvP Balance Druid Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities PvP Feral Druid Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities PvP Restoration...
As covered in the overview, one of Feral DPS's greatest weaknesses is their complicated rotation. While this makes for fun and engaging gameplay, it does mean that most ferals will perform less well than other classes. Feral DPS can be competitive when p
PvP Feral Druid Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities PvP Restoration Druid Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants, & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities Hunter Guid...
Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King PvP DPS tier list! We will be ranking each DPS spec available for the expansion, as well as explaining each spec's position on the tier list. How the Specs Are Ranked Overall Performance: How stron
Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King PvP 2v2 arena team comp tier list! We will be ranking some of the strongest and most popular 2v2 arena team comps in the game, as well as explaining their position in the tier list. How the Comps A