This guide will go through all the details you need to know and will also focus on the important changes WotLK has brought to the Mage's AoE abilities.Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level. If you are more interested in single target leveling methods or simp...
Some classes prefer smaller pulls while some, like the mage and protection paladin, will enjoy larger pulls. There is something for everyone. Keep in mind that Blizzard doesn’t prefer people AoE Grind and nerfs spots continuously or makes it not worthwhile to level this way. However, there ...
While Destruction Warlocks in The Burning Crusade era found themselves claiming high spots on the Damage Meter, Destruction Warlocks in Wrath of the Lich King unfortunately often find themselves in a spot below most other classes. However what they trade in terms of throughput them make up in the...
Take a few (6 or more should be fine if every class can aoe, but be safe) friends with AoE with you to UBRS in Blackrock Mountain, make sure one of them has the key. Clear all the way to Emberseer and then make sure everyone is ready before you run into the next room and walk...