Addons can increase the amount of information you are receiving, allowing you to make better decisions as to what your next move should be. Listed below are our guides forHunter-specific Addons and Macros. While most of these are targeted toward PvE, they can also be quite useful for PvP...
Welcome to our PVE Beast Mastery Hunter guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play a Hunter as Beast Mastery.
If you are looking for a PvE gearing guide for either pre-raid or best in slot gear make sure to check out ourHunterPvE gearing hub instead. Beast Mastery Hunter GearingMarksmanship Hunter GearingSurvival Hunter Gearing SlotItemSource Helm ...
[Hunter: P..本文来自EJ精华区,原文地址 作者:Garbysan <Jaded&nb
So there is definitely a place for a guide to being a good levelling hunter, covering both PvE and PvP, and I believe a good place to begin is with the first talent points… i.e. from 10 up. A very tall order, I know! Reply ...
Dreamhunter’s Carbine Rowan’s Rifle of Silver Bullets –hit/easy to get 7) Gems Meta Austere Earthsiege DiamondBlue Solid Majestic ZirconRed Regal Dreadstone –a little more avoidance Shifting Dreadstone –little less avoidance, than 10 dodge, but some armor (1 agi = 2 armor) Guardian’s...
Classic WoW_ Hunter Leveling Guide 2.0 (Pets, Talents, Rotation, Bow Progression 24:14 How to heal Molten Core as a Holy Paladin _ Classic WoW Raid Guide 08:23 WoW Legion Class Overview Protection Paladin Part 1_ Abilities 48:15 WoW Classic Race Picking Guide - Horde Part 1 25:54 ...
from Survival Hunter DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities - Wrath of the Lich King Classic - Guides - Wowhead <> Due to recent discoveries that Rank 3 Explosive Shot <
Leveling a Hunter will be a different experience to max level, focusing primarily on using your pet effectively and efficiently to deal with enemies as easily as possible. Because of this, the most common talent tree for leveling is Beast Mastery and that is the tree this guide will be focus...
PvE Survival Hunter Talents, Builds & Glyphs Stat Priority Best Races Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation & Cooldowns Best Professions Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Addons & Macros Besides your gear and talents, there are 3 additional ways you as a player can increase your charac...