Best Profession Consumables for Fury Warrior in Wrath of the Lich King Here we will list the unique consumables provided by each individual profession. 4.1. Engineering Runic Healing Injector Saronite Bomb Global Thermal Sapper Charge If you are anEngineeryou will want to carryRunic Healing Injector...
As aFury Warrior, you will need to aim for at least 8% Hit Chance, or 263 Hit Rating to reach the soft hit cap. With the Fury specialization comes access to the Precisiontalent, granting you an additional 3% Hit Chance. Lastly, if you are Alliance with a Draenei in your party, this...
Charge/Intervene Macro You can use this macro to bind both your Intervene and Charge on the same button! You can choose to bind Intercept on the same button as well for easy usage. Currently, in the WotLK Beta, Intercept seems to not be picked up by the macro; however, it might become...
Fury Warrior Stances in Wrath of the Lich King Warriors have 3 different stances, each having unique functions that are needed in certain situations. Some spells can only be used in certain stances as well, making it important for you to understand the general purpose each stance has. ...
[Deep Wounds]– Located in the arms tree, where you spill over in normal Fury spec’s. Deep Wounds accounts for a huge portion of Fury warrior’s damage. With very good gear, expect this to be doing more and more % of your damage as your crit increases. ...
Fury Warrior DPS Talents, Builds & Glyphs Stat Priority Best Races Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation & Cooldowns Best Professions Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Addons & Macros Besides your gear and talents, there are 3 additional ways you as a player can increase your character...
Fury Warrior DPS Talents, Builds & Glyphs Stat Priority Best Races Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation & Cooldowns Best Professions Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Addons & Macros The stat priority of Fury Warriors is very similar to that of other melee DPS classes, and particularl...
This macro will swap you to Battle Stance and cast Charge with one button, allowing you better control of your gap closers. #showtooltip Charge /cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance /cast ChargeCopy This macro will swap you to Defensive Stance and cast Intervene with one button, allowing you bett...
1. Fury Warrior Phase 5 Pre-Raid Best in Slot Gear 2. Recommended Enchants 1. Fury Warrior Phase 5 Pre-Raid Best in Slot Gear In this guide we go over the different gear available forFury Warriors before enteringRaidsin Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Phase 4 movesTrial of the Crusader...
These macros are for your Bash and Feral Charge abilities. If pressed normally, they will Bash or Feral Charge your target, respectively. However, if your hold down the Shift key when using these macros, they will instead use Bash or Feral Charge on your focus target. This is very useful...