This is the blood tanking guide i compiled for my guild from various sources and then changed/added what was needed to fit in with moltens own peculiarities. just though i would post this here so i dont have to repeat myself a 100 times whenever someone posts “need help with dk blood...
More suited to tanking, Blood Death Knights tend to kill enemies the slowest of the three talent trees while leveling. Unholy Death Knights have very high damage and a focus on debuffs, but while leveling they tend to have lower burst damage, instead focusing on sustained damage. Frost Death...
when tanking bosses, you almost guarantee having health >= 75% because of healers, which means more damage, which also means more aggro… am I wrong in this? Last edited 2 years ago by Cacodemon2142 0 Reply 2935 Reply to Andres 2 years ago Because you don’t have enough points....
When you are main-tanking you have enough rage for everything, when you are offtanking you don`t need rage. If you find yourself lacking rage while maintanking, it means that you are heavily overgeared for the instance. Rather consider swapping to some dps gear (trinkets,…) while ...
For a long time, there has been a running idea in WoW’s community that the Blood Specialization is only suitable for the tanking role. However, if you follow this rotation and itemize yourself properly, you will find yourself quickly dismissing any doubts about this specialization having a pla...