Welcome to Warcraft Tavern's Cooking guide! In this guide, we'll provide everything you need to max out your Cooking skill, from the materials required to level up your profession to the best recipes to follow. Cooking provides necessary utility and powe
Cooking: Chef de Cuisine: Make sure you check the AH for recipes you don't have (Use the "Usable Items only" checkbox). Every recipe is either taught by every cooking master, learned from an object (look up the ones you don't have on Wowhead), or taught by the Barmaid in the Sha...
Cooking 1-450 First Aid 1-450 Fishing 1-450 Equipment, Gear, & Consumables Daily Quests Competitions Achievements & Unique Rewards Valuable Fish & Other Catches Dungeons Titan Rune Dungeons The Forge of Souls Pit of Saron Halls of Reflection Raids Legendaries Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Ki...