WotLK Classic is right around the corner! In order to help you get the latest & most accurate information, we have compiled a list of useful Discord servers for players to be in! Community Discords WotLK Classic: https://discord.gg/p5vRpGdJk5 WoW Classic
Up to date and breaking news for WotLK Classic. Warcraft Tavern covers the latest news for World of Warcraft The Wrath of the Lich King.
While fishing is mostly a solo activity (at least when you aren't fishing in a PvP server), there are two server-wide Fishing Competitions every week: The Kalu’ak Fishing Derby and The Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza. Both factions can compete in the
but it is suggested to always keep a stack of whatever is the cheaper food on your server out of theFirecracker SalmonorTender Shoveltusk Steak. There is also a food calledSnapper Extreme, which gives you 40 Hit Rating and 40 Stamina. This food can come in handy if you are just shy of...
most cases that is C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_classic_\Logs (replace _classic_ with _retail_ or _PTR_, depending on which game you want to log), which you can choose with the “Choose…” button. Before you can finally start logging, you need to complete the next ...
Wrath was my favorite (also the best and most popular xpac ) and I am suuuper hopeful they add some kind of legacy server for it, but I am also having a blast in Classic. I think there is waaaay too much hostility on all sides of the fence and I just don’t get it… but it ...
That's all the best titles in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Some aren't actually in Classic and many of them are no longer obtainable but they were in the original Wrath. So what do you think are easy titles to get in WoW WotLK and what do you think are...
My server is healthy and vibrant. WPvP everday and large scale WPvP almost 2 or 3 times a week. People are leaving because its simply expected for those who never played vanilla and tried classic but coukdnt take the level grind. Everyone knew it was going to happen. Your reason sounds...
On my server, people aren’t really advertising boost, so I started dming randomPaladins and Magesto find a group. There are also boosters that twink out characters specifically to do lower-level dungeons. Typically, you can expect to pay over 10,000WOTLK Classic Goldto go...
Before You Begin I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon. I am not playing on a private server. I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one. I edited the title of this issue...