In general, you will always want to avoid wearing Cloth gear, as it does not provide the stats you need. Because Warrior’s lack self-healing, you always want to carry level-appropriate food with you. You never want to be stuck waiting around for your health to regenerate, time spent ...
ArmsorProt Warrior Bleed Damage Increase Mangle Stampede Trauma Feral Druid Beast Mastery Hunter Arms Warrior Cast Speed Reduction Curse of Tongues Lava Breath Mind-numbing Poison Slow AnyWarlock Beast Mastery Hunter AnyRogue Arcane Mage Crit Chance ...
Protection Warriors can lock out casters in specific from playing the game almost completely due to extremely annoying talents like Gag Order and Improved Spell Reflection, but melee DPS don’t get off scot-free either, as a Prot Warrior’s Disarm has a mere 40 second cooldown due to ...