Find out the best PvE talent choices and builds, as well as glyphs, for your Unholy Death Knight in WotLK Classic.
Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King PvP DPS tier list! We will be ranking each DPS spec available for the expansion, as well as explaining each spec's position on the tier list. How the Specs Are Ranked Overall Performance: How stron
The blood DK tank is the hardest tank to play effectively.This is because of the constant need to pay attention to all your spec’s details in order to maximize your tanking ability. I won’t lie – this can become overbearing at times for beginners, but with practice it is something yo...
Furthermore, while Mages have incredible peel and crowd control tools, Disc Priests are pretty fragile, so comps that can go invulnerable to your Mage’s spells / CC temporarily, such as Ret Paladin / Hunter, Unholy DK / Holy Paladin etc, can kill your Priest so quickly that you don’t...
Its main strength is obvious — you can blow up players very quickly with the combined burst of a Ret Paladin and an Unholy DK. You also have some very decent CC chains in Repentance > Psychic Scream > Hammer of Justice > Strangulate, which can net you some very surprising kills. As ...