It was recently released with WoW Classic by Blizzard themselves that any ?? or Boss mobs actually have an unseen 1% hit suppression aura that ignores 1% of hit from gear. This has been in the game ever since 2006 so make sure your hit is 9%, even on private servers. -12 Reply ...
WotLK Server Population WotLK Arena Leaderboard WotLK Armory WotLK Glyphs Dungeon & Raid Loot Quests Daily Quests Argent Tournament Borean Tundra Dragonblight Grizzly Hills Howling Fjord Icecrown Sholazar Basin The Storm Peaks Zul’Drak Dungeon & Heroic Cooking Fishing Jewelcrafting Battered Hilt Guides...
Why did I just get the below ticket response about faction change in WotLK?? I thought this was confirmed before launch and we were just waiting for a date? Blizzard please explain. [https:// www.linkpicture. com/view…
useless SendQuestComplete fix(DB/Quest): Post-partum Aggression fix(DB/Dungeon): improved Dire Maul North fix(DB/Waypoint): npc guid 1021 path feat(Docker): add timezone settings to dockerfile fix(Core/PacketsIO): Send correct messages about server first achievements depending on faction. feat...
useless SendQuestComplete fix(DB/Quest): Post-partum Aggression fix(DB/Dungeon): improved Dire Maul North fix(DB/Waypoint): npc guid 1021 path feat(Docker): add timezone settings to dockerfile fix(Core/PacketsIO): Send correct messages about server first achievements depending on faction. feat...
Death Grip a second healer as far away from the other Faction Champions as possible when the first healer hits ~20% health. Once two healers are dead, have the raid advance on the clump of enemy Faction Champions. Melee should run in and start attacking/cleaving the 3rd healer. This creat...