Classic WoW is my jam, with a passion for PvP. Most know me as Baranor, the ret paladin guy, but I'm secretly a druid main, don't tell anyone. In my free time I play Switch games, particularly JRPGs. Some day I'll be making my own games and I humbly hope you play those too...
This is the most stat optimal set-up on a 87 days of total play time Ret Paladin. 1 Reply Passion Reply to Crucify-Warmane 1 year ago What if I don’t have 87 days played, what is my most optimal set-up then? -1 Reply Hitcapped? 2 years ago This doesnt even get ...
On this page, you will find out the optimal PvE stat priority for your Retribution Paladin in WotLK Classic. We first present the stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations. 1. Stat Priority for Ret Paladins Hit Chance (To cap); Expertise; Strength; Agility Attack Power; Cr...
Retribution Paladin Utility Spells in Wrath of the Lich King Classic Paladins have a number of spell types available to them in LK Classic, mainly due to their ability to provide a number of utility buffs via their blessings and auras, as well as the numerous seals they use. 1.1. Retributio...
We’ll see. it’s not like I’m going to delete them, after all – perhaps with Wrath’s ability to do 10-man raids at all levels, I’ll get a chance to take some of them raiding without losing focus on my paladin. wotlk
Paladins also have no Races that begin with the ability to use Axes, and the most common Paladin Race, Humans, aren’t able to learn Axes in Stormwind, leading to a bit of a misconception. 0 Reply Recent News Phase 4 Hour of Twilight Goes Live for Cataclysm Classic on February 18th ...
Expansion: WotLK Classic PvE Holy Paladin Talents, Builds & Glyphs Stat Priority Best Races Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation & Cooldowns Best Professions Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Addons & Macros The pièce de résistance to any character. Gems enchants and consumables are us...
5. Paladin Arena Compositions 1. Overview Paladinsare one of the most versatile classes in WotLK Classic. While they lack one specific area where they are dominant, they excel in many different niche situations and always complement a team extremely well whether that is inside the Arena, a Batt...
On this page, we list the best enchants, flasks, potions, and food you can get for your Holy Paladin in WotLK Classic for PvE content.Pages in this Guide 1 Introduction 2 Spell Summary 3 Builds, Talents, and Glyphs 4 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 5 Stat Priority 6 Enchants and ...
Expansion: WotLK Classic PvE Holy Paladin Talents, Builds & Glyphs Stat Priority Best Races Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation & Cooldowns Best Professions Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Addons & Macros Having proper addons and macros are essential. Not just for the hardcore player...