Rotation The rotation for Protection Paladins is one of the simplest ones. But, keep in mind, to master the Protection Paladin and to know what to pop and when to pop takes time. As long the time goes you’ll learn the ways of proper tanking and when to pop what. There are a few ...
Heya! So this guide is aimed at players with a wide range of WoW knowledge: complete beginners, to experienced players that may have never played Prot Paladin before. The 96969 rotation isn’t bad by any means, but it’s not significantly better than just doing a normal First Come First ...
Protection Paladins are considerably stronger in Wrath than their Classic and TBC versions because of added talents, class abilities like Consecration becoming baseline for allPaladinspecs, and the addition of a taunt. Prot Paladins can easily fill the role as Main Tank now and is largely viewed ...
(Paladin instead provides awesome utility + ardent, Druid massive EHP pool, DK avoidance + selfhealing) You will notice that I am not trying to say how are you supposed to play like many others. I dont want to – I want to provide resources, so you can find your own way. I want ...
Rotation & Cooldowns Addons & Macros PvP Holy Paladin Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-Raid & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities PvP Retribution Paladin Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & Best in Slot Glyphs, Gems, Enchants & Consumables ...
Rotation & Cooldowns Addons & Macros PvP Holy Paladin Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-Raid & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities PvP Retribution Paladin Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & Best in Slot Glyphs, Gems, Enchants & Consumables ...
Rotation & Cooldowns Addons & Macros PvP Holy Paladin Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-Raid & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities PvP Retribution Paladin Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & Best in Slot Glyphs, Gems, Enchants & Consumables ...
Below you can find a quick summary of the currentPvE tank rankings: Protection Paladin(S-Tier) Feral Tank Druid(A-Tier) Blood Death Knight(B-Tier) Protection Warrior(B-Tier) In order to further understand the reasoning behind these ranks, we would recommend you to read the rest of the ...
Rotation & Cooldowns Addons & Macros PvP Holy Paladin Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-Raid & BiS Gear Glyphs, Gems, Enchants & Consumables Rotation, Cooldowns, & Abilities PvP Retribution Paladin Stat Priority Talents & Builds Pre-BiS & Best in Slot Glyphs, Gems, Enchants & Consumables ...