These WoW Leveling Guides contain zones by level as well as step-by-step instructions and visuals to help you quickly level to 80. Just choose your faction and you’ll be level 80 before you know it! Alliance Leveling Guide 1-80 Horde Leveling Guide 1-80...
Learn about the Mining profession, how to train it, and the variety of potions and consumables you can create with it in WotLK Classic.
Welcome to our WotLK Classic leveling guide for Rogues! Masters of stealth and deception, Rogues are known for suddenly appearing, employing skirmish strategies to kill a priority target, and vanishing just as quickly as they came. Rogues in WotLK Classi
Welcome to our Mage class leveling guide for WotLK Classic! Mages are the masters of Frost, Fire, and Arcane spell schools. As a Mage, you can use the Frost school to chill enemies until they can't move anymore, the Fire school to barbecue all who oppose
320-450 #WotLK Classic Level Fishing to 75 Now that the Cataclysm Patch is live, you should use my Cataclysm Classic Fishing and Cooking Leveling Guide 1-525 instead of this guide. There were a lot of changes to trainers, zones, and recipes. Horde Alliance Go to Bloodhoof Village in Mul...
Classic 1-60 (Azeroth) Supports all modes of Classic including SoD and Hardcore The guides can be installed into the addon and viewed on the web site TBC-Only Plan $49.95$44.95 (One-time payment) Access to Premium Guides (Leveling 60-70) ...
WOTLK Skinning (Leveling 375-450) For the Wrath of the Lich King leveling guide section, you can actually stay in these areas longer after they turn green and still get skilled up pretty fast, the guide is intended to move you to more optimal areas where you might actually get better leat...
This Wrath of the Lich King Classic Skinning guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your Skinning skill from 1 to 450 in Wotlk! First we are going to discuss who would pick skinning as a primary profession and then we will talk about how to start and how to get to...
If you’re looking for the latest guides, tips, news, and updates for WoW Expansion Classic, PlayerAuctions will have it. We put out all the highest quality content for WoW Expansion Classic in one place.
Wrath of the Lich King Enchanting Profession and Leveling Guide In WotLK Classic, the Enchanting profession allows you toDisenchantmost gear into its arcane components. These components can be used toEnchantyours and others’ equipment or can instead be sold, usually for good profits, at the auct...