Welcome to our WotLK Classic leveling guide for Hunters! Hunters are known for their unique and intense connection to animals, bonding with one enough to fight side by side as equals in combat. Armed with a ranged weapon and supported by their trusted co
Welcome to our WotLK Classic leveling guide for Rogues! Masters of stealth and deception, Rogues are known for suddenly appearing, employing skirmish strategies to kill a priority target, and vanishing just as quickly as they came. Rogues in WotLK Classi
Noella. These guides, while decent guides themselves, do not cover things that I’d like to, and their authors haven’t been active since 2015. In addition to the fact that I have been asked by multiple people to create a guide for Wrath, I have decided to take it upon myself to ...
Mage Nuggets Gives a portal menu, Stat monitor, proc monitors (tends to work better than power auras classic but still buggy with molten mage ui bugs) (Personally i say its MANDATORY) Decursive Anyone who played during Vanilla will know this addon. Helps with controlling CCs (polymorph) in ...
So there is definitely a place for a guide to being a good levelling hunter, covering both PvE and PvP, and I believe a good place to begin is with the first talent points… i.e. from 10 up. A very tall order, I know! Reply ...
[Azeroth] Classic Rares - Part I feat(DB/Creature): [Zone] Thousand Needles feat(DB/SAI): [Azeroth] Missed & Skipped Creatures [Zone] Isle of Quel'Danas [Zone] Tanaris fix(DB/Creature): Eversong Woods chore(CI): change bot's commit message format fix(DB/Creature): Ungoro Crater fix...
[Azeroth] Classic Rares - Part I feat(DB/Creature): [Zone] Thousand Needles feat(DB/SAI): [Azeroth] Missed & Skipped Creatures [Zone] Isle of Quel'Danas [Zone] Tanaris fix(DB/Creature): Eversong Woods chore(CI): change bot's commit message format fix(DB/Creature): Ungoro Crater fix...
Welcome to our Warlock class leveling guide for Wrath of the Lich King Classic! Warlocks are absolute masters of demons, shadow, and fire magic, using them to drain the life right out of their opponents gradually. They instill fear wherever they go, leav
Welcome to our WotLK Classic leveling guide for Paladins! Righteous and steadfast, Paladins are known for using their devotion to the light to repel any evil they encounter in their travels. They can do this in a number of ways, allowing them to serve as
Titan Rune Dungeons are a new level of difficulty for 5-man Heroic dungeons in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. This optional difficulty offers Epic items that previously were only accessible through raids, at the cost of increased difficulty in the dunge