Welcome to our WotLK Classic leveling guide for Rogues! Masters of stealth and deception, Rogues are known for suddenly appearing, employing skirmish strategies to kill a priority target, and vanishing just as quickly as they came. Rogues in WotLK Classi
Welcome to our Mage class leveling guide for WotLK Classic! Mages are the masters of Frost, Fire, and Arcane spell schools. As a Mage, you can use the Frost school to chill enemies until they can't move anymore, the Fire school to barbecue all who oppose
1. Talent Builds for Frost Death Knight Frost Death Knight talents focus primarily on increasing your personal damage, buffing your group, and increasing survivability. 1.1. Leveling Builds If you were looking for a leveling-oriented build, please refer to our Death Knight leveling guide. Death ...
If you would like to see whereFrost Death Knightfalls in the overall rankings among DPS specs for both PvE and PvP in Lich King Classic, we have created pages dedicated to explaining what classes and specializations are the best of the best through multiple factors. However, ultimately,you sho...
Wrath Death Knight Guide Rating: Introduction This is the blood tanking guide i compiled for my guild from various sources and then changed/added what was needed to fit in with moltens own peculiarities. just though i would post this here so i dont have to repeat myself a 100 times whenev...
The death knight is no slouch in Wrath and shouldn't be taken lightly with great group utility high damage as well as great tanking ability, it's no doubt they make the list as being one of the safest classes in WotLK Classic.
Joana's 1-60 WoW Leveling Guide Noob guide for World of Warcraft ALT uses for WoW Other Expansions: Burning Crusade Guides MoP Guides How to Get Netherwing Drake/Mount Guide WotLK Guides Death Knight Tanking Guide WotLK Achievements Guide
Another option you have is questing. Questing is surprisingly easy and mindless, especially if you have a leveling guide. Guideline, for example, has a really nice and free leveling guide you can use or you could use rested XP if you want things to be plug and play....
Both of those are great for leveling. I find them useless in raids (since I am not lacking rage at all), but if you need more rage and are not worried about survivability… 2.4) Minors Glyph of Thunderclap Increased range of Thunderclap makes it a bit easier to pull a huge amount of...
WOTLK Pre Patch Guide - Release Date & 10 Things You Should Do Before WOTLK Classic Start Blizzard finally announced the WOTLK Classic Pre Patch, we finally have the actual date when you can start leveling your death knights, when you can start getting prepared for Northrend, and...