The Blood tree has a LOT of useful talents in it, and accordingly, Blood DKs have a LOT of different talent builds they can use. In fact, it will be extremely common to run into several Blood DKs and find out that none of them use the same talent build,
My dear, you miss blood worms for best dps value and heal… Make a dps test with your build and with mine: 0 Reply Recent News ...
This is my general-use talent build. – As you can see I am not a fan of Rage talents. Its simply because I find them useless. When you are main-tanking you have enough rage for everything, when you are offtanking you don`t need rage. If you find yourself lacking rage while main...
(Core): Another way to get talent points fix(scripts/CullingOfStratholme): Remove "Corrupting Blight" at Infinite Corruptor's death fix(scripts/Oculus): Reset Mage-Lord Urom's position at death fix(DB/creature): Improve starting NPCs fix(DB/npc_vendor): Argent Tournament fix(DB/Quest): ...
(DB/Creature): Bloodmaul Skirmisher Spawn Point fix(Core/Account): GM Level 1 will not be hostile to players fix(CI): core_build on coverity_scan is not needed feat(Core/Conf): Move BG rewards to config fix(DB/lang): TBC Heroic Dungeon Keys German Description fix(DB/lang): Totem ...
Masters of death, fortified by blood and frost, these former champions of the Lich King are the first new class added to World of Warcraft. Death Knights are a hero class, meaning they start at a higher level, in this case level 55. Able to tank or DPS in any of their 3 talent ...
Named after private server Ret player “Preghiera”, the Preg build is a very interesting Paladin DPS build that became incredibly popular on private servers. It uses a spell power focused 1-handed weapon & shield, aiming to get a lot of spell power (with the Sheath of Light talent) and ...