This is the blood tanking guide i compiled for my guild from various sources and then changed/added what was needed to fit in with moltens own peculiarities. just though i would post this here so i dont have to repeat myself a 100 times whenever someone posts “need help with dk blood...
The Blood tree has a LOT of useful talents in it, and accordingly, Blood DKs have a LOT of different talent builds they can use. In fact, it will be extremely common to run into several Blood DKs and find out that none of them use the same talent build,
In this section, we will go over our abilities and possible rotations, explaining how the single-target rotation works in detail, while also debunking the myth of Blood Death Knight's incompetence in the role of a damage dealer. Abilities Overview Click
Weapon: Bloodsurge, KelThuzads Blade of Agony Offhand: Shadow Silk Spindle Wand: Corpse-Impaling Spike TTW Fire: With TTW you want to focus on SP and Crit. Choosing SP over Crit will generally give more dps, but as stated before it also causes more RNG. For TTW the general stat priori...
(DB/gameobject): The Codex of Blood fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Duskwood fix(DB/creature_template) flags_extra for brewfest barker bunny's fix(Core/Logs): Fix arguments in function call fix(DB/gameobject_loot): Gordok Tribute fix(DB/smart_scripts) Rachelle Gothena Position fix(DB/...
(DB/gameobject): The Codex of Blood fix(DB/smart_scripts): Improved Duskwood fix(DB/creature_template) flags_extra for brewfest barker bunny's fix(Core/Logs): Fix arguments in function call fix(DB/gameobject_loot): Gordok Tribute fix(DB/smart_scripts) Rachelle Gothena Position fix(DB/...
Welcome to our WotLK Classic leveling guide for Death Knights! Masters of death, fortified by blood and frost, these former champions of the Lich King are the first new class added to World of Warcraft. Death Knights are a hero class, meaning they start
Welcome to the Frost Death Knight PVP guide for World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Frost Death Knight in the arena or a battleground. The guide includes Talents, Glyphs, Gems, Enchantments, Ad
Bloodvenom Blade –weapon speed/armor(agility)/hit Mithrios, Bronzebeard’s Legacy –stamina/expertise/avoidance Shield Icecrown Glacial Wall Neverending Winter –avoidance Ranged Dreamhunter’s Carbine Rowan’s Rifle of Silver Bullets –hit/easy to get 7) Gems Meta Austere Earthsiege DiamondBlue So...