Explosive Trap. It also cannot be understated just how importantHunteris for raids when it comes to CC, pulling trash, and other odd-jobs. Survival is an exceptional range DPS that is always going to have a raid spot throughout the expansion. If you would like to see whereSurvival Hunter...
If a Hunter’s raid group is not missing any buffs or debuffs offered by other pets, your best choice is a Wolf (just like Marksmanship and Survival), but at least you can camp a spectral version calledGondria of it. She won’t bring theFurious Howl buff you’re looking for, but ...
Beast Mastery + Hunter Gear and Best in Slot Frost + Mage Pre-Raid Gear Feral + Druid Spell Summary Beast Mastery + Hunter Tier 5 Gear Feral + Druid Talent Builds Marksmanship + Hunter Pets System Affliction Warlock Ny'alotha Boss Strategies ...
PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Best Races Best Professions Talents, Builds & Glyphs Gems, Enchants & Consumables Best in Slot (BiS) & Pre-Raid Gear Stat Priority Rotation & Cooldowns Addons & Macros PvE Marksmanship Hunter Best Races Best Professions Talents, Builds & Glyphs Gems, Enchants & Consu...
MMOGAH -a professional Wotlk gold seller, will share some of the best DPS specs for the Icecrown Citadel (ICC) raid. These specs have high single-target or cleave damage, good scaling with gear and stats, and strong set bonuses from their tier 10 sets. However, the DPS rankings are not...
33 thoughts on “GarsNotes: Best DPS Pets” Hello, came across your very valuable guide here recently, a bit of history about me if you will: I am playing a level 80 BM Hunter in the Wrath Expansion on a private server. I have no interest in raiding with her, just doing my own “...
You can spec into raid buffs, or single-target threat, or survivability. Blood has some really powerful tanking abilities with short cooldowns, and in the hands of someone who knows what he is doing can be a very effective tanking tree.Blood also has very good single target threat, though ...
Related Read:WotLK Phase 4 ICC Tier List - Best DPS, Healer, Tank Ranking for ICC Raid 1 - Fire Mage (S Tier) Another top DPS spec, with high sustained damage, excellent AoE, and good utility. They can also benefit from the armor penetration buff in ICC and can use Combustion to dea...
It probably functions best with the Empowered Renew spec, though, but can realistically used by any of the builds. Is it BIS? Could be, but depends on how you feel about it, the situation you are in, and what the needs of your raid are. Professions Tailoring and Enchanting will be ...
In WotLK Classic Phase 4 of World of Warcraft, the best-in-slot gear, commonly known as BiS gear, includes the Tier 10 gear that drops in the Icecrown Raid. These pieces of gear offer powerful bonuses and enhancements for various class specs. It is worth noting that Death Knights and Pal...