网络分房图表 网络释义 1. 分房图表 给新手玩家的建议 - Taiwan & Hong Kong -... ... [HEAVY TANK- 重坦克]。分房图表[WOT-WIKI] 美国[ USA] ...|基于6个网页
WoT: Console statistics for players and clans. WoTStars tracks world of tanks console player & clan stats, and provides detailed 30-60-90 and all time stats.
Tank wiki for WoT最新版截图 # Tank wiki for WoT最新版 Tank wiki for WoT (World of Tanks) allows you to look up game tank stats from you phone fast, whenever you want and wherever you want. So you can prepare for your combat well, and browse about surrounding tanks even when you ...
On the bottom of the list, most tanks can penetrate your front armor, and do even worse damage if they manage to flank you, or catch you from behind. But if you're equipped with the 90mm cannon, you may be able to lend your fire support and damage tier 8's, perhaps not from the...这是官方出的百科,以后可能没事会翻译点这里面资料,干活很多的说 3楼2014-01-09 12:12 回复 绯色炽光 魏特曼 13 首先北美服务器,也就是所谓的美服(废话··)Location: NA East - Washington DC, USA ( (, 209.170....
The source code for the World of Tanks for Console Clans Site and Discord Bot What is this? It's the full source code of the site (and related tools) WotClans. It tracks the performance of clan players on the World of Tanks (for consoles) game, by Wargaming. Architeture Constraints ...
我打算从今年开始,再一点一点的把游戏最基本的机制等相关东西,完完全全的都给大家讲解一遍。咱这个游戏时间太久,很多基础的东西大家都忘了,老玩家也不怎么说的明白,于是我就想着借助WG WIKI的英语、俄语两个版面,对照着再把这些最基本的东西科普一下,避免不必要的麻烦。
This packet is related to the spotting of tanks, it will occurr together with packet type 0x05 when the tank appears for the user (each time). type: the type of the packet clock: the timestamp of the packet Type 0x05 See packet type 0x03 Type 0x07 Sub Type 0x05 This packet seems...
俄语坦克wiki上明确表示通风提供的应该是增益属性 “通风系统”这一配件的机制和效果是这样的:增加全体乘员的训练水平和附加技能水平,也就是说它的效果和“大补给”是一样的。而根据实际测试结果我们可以看出,这个增减的效果在两个页面完全是不同的表现,因此我们可以判断,其中一个页面的显示出了BUG。
我认为有必要建立一个wotb的中文wiki我看到日本wiki已经非常完善惹,上图 光在亚服,日本人就比国人少吧,而且人还被国服分走了一部分,他们却把wiki做的这么完善,wiki这个东西就是建站后靠各路大佬来完善条目,所以我们在人数上是绝对不缺的,国内比较好的应该就是灰机wiki了吧,像warfarme,碧蓝幻想,最终幻想14,星露...