T2D1 火炮 Hispano-Suiza Birkigt Gun A 机动 Continental R-670-5 等级2 耐久度/血量400 车体装甲17 / 15 / 6 炮塔装甲16 / 16 / 16 速度上限65 / 20 穿深44 / undefined 平均伤害15 / undefined ...
引擎从262马力减少为220马力 T2 Light Tank 悬挂地形阻力从1.03/1.37/1.7减少为1.03/1.15/1.7,车体转速从47度/s减少为45度/s 悬挂开火散布0.2/0.2减少为0.14/0.2 装填时间从7s增加到8.5s 基础瞄准时间从1.71s减少为1.2s 炮弹AP的均伤从8增加到12,炮弹的转正角度从5度改为15度,均伤从30mm增加到44mm 引擎从26...
引擎从262马力减少为220马力 T2 Light Tank 悬挂地形阻力从1.03/1.37/1.7减少为1.03/1.15/1.7,车体转速从47度/s减少为45度/s 悬挂开火散布0.2/0.2减少为0.14/0.2 装填时间从7s增加到8.5s 基础瞄准时间从1.71s减少为1.2s 炮弹AP的均伤从8增加到12,炮弹的转正角度从5度改为15度,均伤从30mm增加到44mm 引擎从26...
T2 Light Tank 40[NO-G]_DiorSauvage_1 85078.92%3 6689549 M10 Wolverine3 118 M10 Wolverine2 399 Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) 41[CODEX]Der_Bundeswehr6 81478.85%3 31741613 Leichttraktor1 356 Leichttraktor2 310 Leichttraktor 42[_SC_]freshman_sc_1 07978.68%3 36732911 ...
坦克世界wot视野隐藏距离计算 目标坦克状态使用了伪装网?108%FALSE 隐蔽技能 刚开炮?FALSE 移动中?FALSE 躲避物RegularBushRegularTree,withBranchesdowntoGround(usuallyPines)DenseBush(rare)SparseBush(rare,haslotofdriedbranches)TreewithBranchesslightlyaboveGround(stillcoverspartoftank)Tier10IS-7MausE-100T110E5AMX...
5 cm leFH 18 L/28 M37 105 mm Howitzer M4 T2 med 37mm Gun M-5 BT-2 T-26 PzKpfw 35(t) PzKpfw II 2 cm Flak 38 L/112 M2 LT D1 47mm SA34 H35 37mm SA38 MkVII Tetrarch QFSA PzKpfw 38H735(f) 3,7 cm SA 38 L/34 T2 Light Tank 20 mm Hispano Suiza Birgikt Gun M1 А...
List of all tanks in the game, including premium, collectible and hidden tanks. Choose a tank to check its 3d model, collision model, stats, weak spots and internal modules locations. Check what's new in the WOT PC on the list of changes page. ...
List of all tanks in the game, including premium, collectible and hidden tanks. Choose a tank to check its 3d model, collision model, stats, weak spots and internal modules locations. Check what's new in the WOT PC on the list of changes page. ...
21 T2 Light Tank 2 228,48 552 48 62,50% 1265,95 T26E3 Eagle 7 7 1546,28 1050 47 65,96% 3069,23 Panther II 8 1604,96 815 46 56,52% 2493,85 Type 58 6 1003,89 806 44 52,27% 2738,82 M18 Hellcat 6 1325,80 874 44 61,36% 3278,67 T26E4 SuperPershing 8 1885,43 1040...
M2 Light Tank模组 可用配件装备 可用补给品 成员补给 涂装 悬挂 VVSS T16E2 炮塔 M2D27810 M2D27812 火炮 Hispano-Suiza Birkigt Gun M5 机动 Continental W-670-7 等级 1 耐久度/血量 280 车体装甲 37.8 / 31 / 14 炮塔装甲 36.4 / 31.2 / 31.2 速度...