1.0中正在测试的意大利中型坦克Progetto 46,数据会进行改动,不过可以确定的是外型不会改变太多。 有意思的是在炮塔右前方,挂着一个牛头。 “戴上这个牛头你就是战车里的兰博基尼了。”(2333) Progetto M35 mod 46. Parameters: Tier: MT-8, Italy, premium HP: 1 400 Engine: 652 hp Mass: 35 t Maximum l...
This is an upcoming tier 6 premium Soviet medium tank. It will not appear for public in 9.3 Armor: The frontal hull armor is 75mm thick at 60 degrees (150mm EFF), the hatch is 100mm thick (200mm EFF). The machinegun port however is only 100mm EFF due to its bad slope. Frontal ...