• IS-4,增强了近距离作战能力,加强了正面装甲,提升了炮塔旋转速度,并降低了炮塔和车体旋转时的扩圈,缩短了装填时间和瞄准时间,但作为代价削弱了主炮的精度,其分支VII-IX级车辆将得到类似的更改。 • E-100,整体生存能力进一步提高,加强了炮塔正面装甲,该车的12.8厘米主炮将被一门新的主炮替代,这门主炮将...
IS就是这么自信 猛犸是谁设计的 不残血不会玩的虎P 虎P啪啪啪你 火炮玄学预判 猛犸去死吧 被火炮带走的波兰豹 对面居然下水了 261:火炮翻盘 虎P把对面按着锤 小车潇洒5杀 12T想全歼 队友占家了 62是小车也可以带节奏 站在队友旁边引天雷 无限黑枪的波澜豹 喵王露屁股? 小火炮随便撸一哈 德系走起 1375把...
-2S进城打群架 大胆64虐翻全场 64就是这样翻盘 WOTB 打的惆怅 轮式车调戏重坦 WOTB 队友真。。。 38na 屠幼7杀 T6黑枪取胜 SU152让你爽 弹夹车10杀翻盘 血皮小54故意法丁 超级征服者就是厉害 被安排的一天 4号H要翻天了 轮子车飘逸的飞起 船新版本作死秀 T-150难道是KV5的兄弟? 亲爹系su-101 强势7...
第一台我首推M系3级LT“蝉式”(科技树上可以花金币直接买),高机动高穿身高隐蔽高视野,2S一发的射速,让你欲罢不能,配件通风高光,搭配M系LT高技能乘员使用,记得一定要全程金币蛋,低级房妖怪太多。 第二台就是M系2级“M2轻型坦克”,此车优秀的机动,不错的装甲,一梭子130左右的爆发,让你在2机房驰骋 48038...
"node_modules/is-path-inside": { "version": "3.0.3", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/is-path-inside/-/is-path-inside-3.0.3.tgz", "integrity": "sha512-Fd4gABb+ycGAmKou8eMftCupSir5lRxqf4aD/vd0cD2qc4HL07OjCeuHMr8Ro4CoMaeCKDB0/ECBOVWjTwUvPQ==", ...
Developed by one-man team RichMakeGame - aka Rich Edwards - Pineapple Smash Crew is an indie take on top-down action shooters that was the winner of our Indie Games Arcade award, and has recently arrived on Steam. I've played it through to the end, which makes me Space Captain Walker...
This is an upcoming tier 6 premium Soviet medium tank. It will not appear for public in 9.3 Armor: The frontal hull armor is 75mm thick at 60 degrees (150mm EFF), the hatch is 100mm thick (200mm EFF). The machinegun port however is only 100mm EFF due to its bad slope. Frontal ...
|2S#?>@qQFS(fRURpF5mbZBUs+UfIEgv5Rp%v&fI$n8aNs4xp7{F+_f zXeJ-owHx{nv@%CrY%?@AxD(!o_z;ZFPV$9PYwuhTo70#!;+2^!6@oz4ux+^R5+Cu`f}df^vUz zQZwm=P=1Y9=ZjBikFJ$Qj=WrrFC)=BI_GZyH!|H4G{%_kb~a6K%j7si0$- z0ImQ{Q6(T$6riDY@A0qxT|=ACB7mx}tOKUs(gs+r!DoGN!A...
The larger the volume is, the more discount you can enjoy. 5.Q:How do you guarantee your quality ? A: Our workers and technical employees are with many years experiences to ensure the products are good. After production finished,check will be made by quality inspector. 6. Q:How can you...
-2S进城打群架 大胆64虐翻全场 64就是这样翻盘 WOTB 打的惆怅 轮式车调戏重坦 WOTB 队友真。。。 38na 屠幼7杀 T6黑枪取胜 SU152让你爽 弹夹车10杀翻盘 血皮小54故意法丁 超级征服者就是厉害 被安排的一天 4号H要翻天了 轮子车飘逸的飞起 船新版本作死秀 T-150难道是KV5的兄弟? 亲爹系su-101 强势7...