–8x Kommandanten-EP-Boosts (10) –4x Fahrzeug-EP-Boosts (10) –1,5x Silber-Boosts (10) HINWEIS: Alle Premiumfahrzeuge verfügen über ihren eigenen Garagenstellplatz und sind mit einer Mischung aus Standard- und Premiummunition ausgestattet....
WG WOT Blitz Have gotten around sanctions imposed on Russia by amalgamating their Russian server (CIS) into the European (EU) server. This was done under the pretext of pulling out of Russia to do the right thing but is just a thin veiled way of getting around the sanctions imposed on Ru...
Consulte eu.playstation.com/legal para saber todos os direitos de utilização. ©2009-2025 Wargaming.net. All rights reserved. “Wargaming.net” and “World of Tanks” and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wargaming in the USA and other countries. Política ...
Hello I have great account on EU server on sale for 1000$. On account are more than 140tanks in garage, 72 premium tanks, more than 7000 Gold, ~19mln...
We expanded our server capacity to make sure hosted all the newcomers willing to play and divided the server into 2 parts (for EU and NA territories) and let our players migrate to the desired one. In one word, everything went smoothly. OnRPG: How is the game population now that the ...
Once the Operation is over, it won't be possible to increase Pass levels by completing missions; however, Premium Pass owners will have 2 more days to increase their Pass level using gold. During this time, the Premium Pass will still be available in the Store. Buy it to get additional ...
3000 gold is like 5$ and spending that on in game event should reward me with something that will satisfy me, but no usefull rewards and on top of that we pay for premium passes and gold membership only to be able to earn some ingame credits because playing without could be an endless...
Unbalanced game with tanks in battle of different level and stealing where 9 times out of ten you are destined to lose, the premium tanks are weaker than the standard ones it is not worth spending money on this game that instead of relaxing makes you nervous because it is developed very ba...
3000 gold is like 5$ and spending that on in game event should reward me with something that will satisfy me, but no usefull rewards and on top of that we pay for premium passes and gold membership only to be able to earn some ingame credits because playing without could be an endless...
stupidest game after playing for 6 years. You buy a premium tank and invest money in it only to see it nuttered after an update. So you have to buy another new tank and after the other update see it ruined. its a scam... (the same applies to free tank tech tree) of both my ...