FetchClanMembership: A console app that runs hourly to query clan data from the Wargaming API. CalculateClanStats: A console app thar runs hourly to calculate clan data and updates the files on the Site. Site: The main site of the application. There are 2 deploys, one for XBOX, and ano...
CalculateClanStats: A console app thar runs hourly to calculate clan data and updates the files on the Site. Site: The main site of the application. There are 2 deploys,one for XBOX, andanother to PS4. WotClansBot: a Discord bot that runs on my own server, with direct access to the...
WoT: Console statistics for players and clans. WoTStars tracks world of tanks console player & clan stats, and provides detailed 30-60-90 and all time stats.