[WOTB]T-22 medium, T95 & AMX 13 57 • RASEINIAI HEROES WoT Blitz 244 -- 19:32 App [WOTB]AMX M4 mle. 54, Concept 1B & Strv K • WoT Blitz Gameplay 205 2 16:30 App [WOTB]Jagdpanzer E 100, T57 Heavy & SU-130PM • WoT Blitz Gameplay 2万 12 0:34 App [WOTB]自己吓自...
中坦 Chi-NiIIType 97 Chi-HaIIIType 1 Chi-HeIVPanzer IV Ankou SpecialVType 3 Chi-NuVType 3 Chi-Nu KaiVFirefly Saunders SPVIType 4 Chi-ToVIType 5 Chi-RiVIISTA-1VIIIType 61IXSTB-1X 重坦 Mitsu 108VFerrumVIJu-NuVI_#japan_vehicles:pzvi_gupVIIS-2 Pravda SPVIIJu-ToVIIChi-SeVIIIType...
炮塔 Type 71 火炮 120 mm Gun Type 71 机动 Mitsubishi MT11 等级 10 耐久度/血量 2 550 车体装甲 178 / 105 / 100 炮塔装甲 203 / 127 / 105 速度上限 37 / 15 穿深 257 / 335 / 60 平均伤害 420 / 400 / 530 射速 5.13 精度 0.38 瞄...
炮塔 Type 71 火炮 120 mm Gun Type 71 机动 Mitsubishi MT11 等级 10 耐久度/血量 2 550 车体装甲 178 / 105 / 100 炮塔装甲 203 / 127 / 105 速度上限 37 / 15 穿深 257 / 335 / 60 平均伤害 420 / 400 / 530 射速 5.13 精度 0.38 瞄...
Type 71 X Ho-Ri 3 X Vz. 71 Tesák X TVP T 50/51 X Vz. 55 X Vz. 55 Gothic Warrior X DBV-152 X UDES 15/16 X UDES 15/16 7v7 X Kranvagn X Strv 103B X CS-63 X CS-63 7x7 X Hurricane X 60TP Lewandowskiego X NC 70 Błyskawica X NC 70 Błyskawica 7x7 X Progetto M4...
哔哩哔哩WoTBlitz_乔丹的个人空间,提供WoTBlitz_乔丹分享的视频、音频、文章、动态、收藏等内容,关注WoTBlitz_乔丹账号,第一时间了解UP主动态。直播企鹅粉丝裙:872844515 亚服 24线上双连冠国服 24线下亚军欧服美服 20/22线上六强
* Armor Inspector is an application for World of Tanks and WoT Blitz games. * Armor Inspector does not belong to Wargaming, the producer of the World of Tanks series of games. * Armor Inspector is developed independently in accordance with WG DPP terms and policies. Legal notice. The images...
BlitzType Keyboard Android custom keyboard with special keys for the WOT Blitz game. QWERTZ layout. No shift (lowercase only). Custom buttons for most common commands. Video: Forum http://forum.wotblitz.eu/index.php?/topic/36880-blitztype-keyboard-for-android/ Building To build, just run ....
extract_tankopedia.py: Extract Blitz data directly from the Blitz app files. You need to download the Blitz App APK package and unzip it to a folder. RequiresPython 3.7or higher. Utils blitzutils.py: A utils class for various Blitz related to functions.Other scripts use this, so you need...