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Start Winning Every Match Of Blitz If you sometimes run into opponents who always seem to have the perfect shot, and are hitting you the second you move out of cover, you're probably up against opponents using World Of Tanks Blitz mods or cheats. These tools give you an advantage in-game...
4.将 Android/data/ net.wargaming.wot.blitz/fi +14 11369 手游坦克世界吧 再见所罗门 【教程】在iOS版WOT使用PC版语音包楼主是新人 而且手贱+手残 如有冒犯请多多见谅 给iOS版换语音包有没有火星我也不知道 如果火星了希望各位大神别喷啊… 不过事先声明 改语音包需要越狱 未越狱的就不用浪费时间看这个...
“ingame_voice_cn全明星鬼畜.fsb”,然后重命名为ingame_voice_cn.fsb,其实就是去掉中文,找到你手机里wotb的数据文件, 安卓路径手机内存/Android/data/net.wargaming.wot.blitz/files/data/SFX iOS路径data/net.wargaming.wot.Blitz/files/data/SFX 你会发现SFX里已经有一个ingame_voice_cn.fsb这就是初始的...