Are There Working Gold Codes For WoT Blitz? Currently there aren't any working codes you can use to get bonus gold in Blitz. If you're new to the game, just use the tanks you have and you'll be able to earn gold fairly quickly by taking advantage of the daily chests and extra che...
Tiger II Gold 火炮 105 mm Kw.K. 46 L/68 G 机动 Maybach HL 230 TRM P45G 等级8 耐久度/血量1 850 车体装甲166.4 / 104 / 83.2 炮塔装甲231 / 105 / 84 速度上限35 / 12 穿深225 / 285 / 60 ...
悬挂 Jagdpanzer E 100 Gold 炮塔 Jagdpanzer E 100 Gold 火炮 17 cm Pak K72 机动 Maybach HL 234 P60 等级 10 耐久度/血量 2 150 车体装甲 200 / 120 / 150 炮塔装甲 18 / 0 / 0 速度上限 30 / 12 穿深 299 / 380 / 85 平均伤害 800 /...