This is unavoidable as WOT tech tree rules need a tank to be better than the previous one and ergonomics are not exactly cared about, meaning that most designs are over-performing their real counterparts. Although Porsche is best known for the Ferdinand and the Maus, he worked on a plethora...
This time, changes have affected three branches of different nations: American tank destroyers, French heavies, and British medium tanks. Playing these well-known vehicles will now give you lots of new experiences and emotions. Rebalancing will emphasize the playstyle succession inside branches, fully...
In December, we launched the Christmas Winterland event for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. This ended up being one of our biggest and most successful World of Trucks events in which truckers completed over 2,600,000 deliveries. Rece
Food Science的公司可能并不多因为我们院还有自己的一些针对性较强的小型career fair,尽管如此,面向全校的career fair也是个非常不错的机会,前去咨询或者锻炼自己interview能力都是很值得的。 一般来说较多都是business方向的公司当然还有t...
6月30日,《香港特别行政区维护国家安全法》颁布实施,中美在香港问题上的博弈最终以中国取胜而暂告一个段落,后续可能还会有波折,但香港的大局已然鼎定,近期无论是香港的暴乱分子还是境内外敌对分裂势力再也难以掀起大浪。 香港鼎定之后,下一步中美更加...
1921年建党,当时中国社会200多个政治党派,中共成立了,只是其中一个。 每天成立的组织和解散的组织一样多。 就连当时发起成立这个党的中间的一些人,也没能想到,共产党28年以后能夺取全国政权。 中国共产党是在凄风苦雨中成立的。 当时,党更像是一个瘦弱的小孩,...
Simeon’s American Bistro, 美式,里面的steak和scallops十分推荐 Taste of Thai, 泰餐,很正宗很好吃! Center Ithaca里有一家天津小吃,小笼包超级赞,还有肉夹馍,肉包子,汤面,仿佛一秒回到国内。 Maru Ramen 日本拉面店,好像是我知道...
Simeon’s American Bistro, 美式,里面的steak和scallops十分推荐 Taste of Thai, 泰餐,很正宗很好吃! Center Ithaca里有一家天津小吃,小笼包超级赞,还有肉夹馍,肉包子,汤面,仿佛一秒回到国内。 Maru Ramen 日本拉面店,好像是我知道的唯一一家康...