Premiered: October 5, 2000 Number of Seasons: Season 7, Ep. 22: Bon Voyage Dig Deeper All of the Love Interests on Gilmore Girls, Ranked Also ranks #7 on The 100+ Best Dramedy TV Series, Ranked The Best Gilmore Girls EpisodesSee all 1Last Week Fights, This Week Tights 231 Votes ...
My theory at the time was that they would both suffer life-threatening injuries, Chloe would need an organ transplant as a result, and Mika’s last act would be one of love as she donated her organ and then died of her injuries.
t Be That Bad” and it almost set the bar for how low bad movies could go. Obviously, it’s been exceeded by four other movies since then (one of which I reviewed one week after this, more on that later), but I still fucking hate th...
The series helped Netflix gain its footing when it came to original programming and was nominated for several Emmys. News of Kevin Spacey'ssexual assault claimsleft viewers wondering whether the show, about a corrupt and murderous politician, would continue. It did, much to the dismay of many...
taken into account for this list, including Arlong Park, Skypeia, Drum Island and any other main or side arcs in the series. It's hard to believe that the show started with just Luffy - with over 1000 episodes now, the show has introduced us to too many characters to keep track of!
7. One week after the Stones’ performance, an unusual new-wave act from Akron, Ohio, called Devo was the musical guest. The band, clad in yellow coveralls and wearing what looked like 3-D glasses, played a strangely syncopated version of the Stones classic “(I Can’t Get No) ...
The downs: many un-funny lines, plus rehashed story-lines from a thousand episodes of married-life sitcoms dating all the way back to The Honeymooners.” While these sitcoms failed for being unfunny, hilarity can sometimes be what heralds in the failure, as you’ll ...
Well, I had been a musician to some extent for most of my life…I started playing when I was very young, and I’ve always been involved with music in some capacity. And while I was living in New York I was pretty active in theater, music directing and accompanying, that kind of thi...
an undercover cop in the 1990s tasked with infiltrating Gangnam’s infamous drug syndicate. We open with our hero’s fierceness on full display, while in voiceover we hear he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t let go once he bites. Hmm, seems perfect for a life-threatening deep cover ope...
On the plus side, this movie really understands and captures the appeal of Peter Parker as a character, a guy who often fails but never stops trying to get things right the next time. 4. Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) Sony 6. Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) My full review of...