Also found in: Dictionary, Wikipedia. Category filter: AcronymDefinition WC Water Closet (restroom) WC Wheelchair WC Welcome WC World Cup WC World Champion WC Worker's Compensation WC Wild Card (sports; card games) WC World Class WC Warcraft (computer game) WC Warcraft WC Wilmington College...
Supernova –Wikipedia article on the special event these pirates are named after.Site NavigationExpand [v· e· ?] Worst GenerationExpand [v· e· ?] Super RookieExpand [v· e· ?] Straw Hat PiratesExpand [v· e· ?] Heart Pirates...
Best Car Tire Brands 0 Related Lists Top 10 Most Annoying Things In DeviantArtBest Artists on DeviantArtTop 10 Worst Things about 4chanTop 10 Worst Things About WikipediaTop 10 Worst Things About Tumblr List Stats 400 votes63 listings146 comments Top Remixes Inflation People Keep Commenting "Cute...
According to Wikipedia, the budget for this Mortal Kombat sequel was close to double the one for the original film. So why does it look like it absolute garbage? These effects wouldn’t pass muster in a Sega CD cutscene. It just goes to show money can’t fix everything — or anything...
For absolutely no reason; according to Wikipedia (which is never wrong), Farrelly heard his son talking about a “Movie 43” and when he realized the film did not exist, he decided to use the title himself. I suppose it is at least better than the more accurate alternate title,The Movie...
Games that are not to our tastes LINKS Resident Evil (1996): World of Warcraft: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: ...
TAMINA SNUKA:The daughter of Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka has never attained the height of her famous father. However, according to Wikipedia, she has won an award: And here I thought Kane won all those awards. TITUS O’NEIL:A very interesting case, as Titus has been shown to have the abil...
She told me it deserved to be showcased. Went on about how she loves it and knew it was something I would want. Her kid’s bday was a few weeks after they had a party, my sibling went to dollar store bought another castle and told my parents she got the gift already. When my aun...
Jim Bauer // Wikipedia Commons Alabama: Lookout Mountain Parkway Prepare for 93 miles of mountain laurel and rhododendrons. Lookout Mountain Parkway spans three states from Alabama to Tennessee, and it’s home to the world’s longest yard sale. Every August, people holding yard sales line the ...
and it’s required viewing if you’re a real climber. Or want to be. The climax of this film is more climactic than any high point I’ve ever reached. Quoting Wikipedia, which is always true to life: “The film has been criticized for its unrealistic portrayal of rock climbing. One ...