Aside from the never ending sense of depression that stems from wasting your life in a virtual playgrounds while your actual body turns into rejected Slim Jim meat, the worst part about video games have got to be escort missions. But for the uninformed, well wait, why are you reading this?
The Borderlands games are fun to play and they have more personality than any of the characters in this film. In fact, anti-fun seems like the best description for theBorderlandsmovie. It’s a joyless slog to watch and a reminder that just because you can make a movie adaptation, it do...
(Havok)Limited Time Finisher_Emotes THE COVENANT GAMES RETURN! - For Honor_2 19:46 (Jondaliner)This Ruby Material is FREAKING AWESOME!_3 15:16 (Jondaliner)21 Damage Toestabs Exist 😦 13:01 (Havok)Your Favourite Wu-Lin! - For Honor 15:51 (Jondaliner)Let's Talk About the Long...
The end of the year usually means it’s time to celebrate all the good things this past year has given us. Awards season and the Oscar race are already ramping up, which means those of us who haven’t managed to see absolutely everything of quality have a lot of catching up to do b...
Critics Consensus: Stylish, sensual, and smart, The Duke of Burgundy proves that erotic cinema can have genuine substance. Synopsis: Two entomologists (Sidse Babett Knudsen, Chiara D'Anna) play ritual games of dominance and subservience. [More] Starring: Sidse Babett Knudsen , Chiara D'...
Action comedies, films based on video games, and melodramatic dramas are all among the worst movies of 2016. The worst movies of 2016 include terribly written sequels and completely original disasters. While you might disagree with where the titles are ranked, there's no denying that these film...
From massive open-world RPGs like Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Dragon’s Dogma 2 to remakes for classic titles like The Last of Us Part 2 and Mario vs. Donkey Kong, there’s no shortage of games to play. Below, Inverse ranks every game we’ve reviewed so far this year. And check ...
This was worse than that. Don’t buyTrue LiesonPrime Videoand other digital outlets. 6. Saint X Hulu If we had to name the killer ofSaint X, the murder weapons would be in the hands of the plot, the dialogue, and the excruciating pacing. And it’s not as if there was no interest...
Good section of The Three Best (and Worst) Video Games from December 2023. Our reviewer even concluded “if you’ve never played a Soulslike before, this is a good place to start”. All Metroidvania fans should take notice too, especially those who lean towards the “vania” side of ...
Check out the many interviews in which the game devs were falsely swearing that is pile of crap was even remotely similar to Dead Island. And what do we got? Dead Island with Parkour! haha. One of the biggest disappointing games of this year no contest, let's not mention the horrible ...