The Worst Hard Time, journalist Timothy Egan's new book, recalls another period of adversity on the southern Plains: the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. The stubbornest Americans: A tale of the farmers who refused to flee the Dust Bowl Westlife took the awards for worst international group, worst...
In this paper I developed a Unidirectional Two-Way sorting algorithm, which out beats all other O(n2) sorting algorithms like Bubble sort, Cocktail sort, Selection sort and Insertion sort for average and worst cases. We also give a time complexity analysis of the algorithm. Major limitation of...
4) also the definition of worst case, as described by Kigar above. Worse, it will swap items if not sorted. You now have an extra slow bubblesort. so, basically, there are more than one scenario where worst case can happen. As I said, any scheme that grabs an element as the pivot...
While Paul Krugman began to write about a housing bubble in August 2005, Krugman never mentioned possible financial problems that might result from the "hissing" of the bubble that was discussed at that time and after. Greenspan was gone by February 2006, having failed to publicly discuss what...