King of the Road; the Worst Road in the WorldOVER the years I've had the chance to drive on a lot of different roads. I've been along the...By KingConrad
But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we witness the incredible slaughter of men, women and children on the roads. Man versus the motor-car ! It is a never-ending battle which man is losing. Thousands of people the world over...
Natural disasters in 2023 harmed human lives and the environment worldwide. Combating global warming is key to reducing catastrophes' extent and intensity.
By clicking "Accept All", you consent to our use of cookies. Customize Reject All Accept All EN Help Pave the Way to Safer Roads Submit a Nomination in Please keep road safety in mind when voting for your road. Never engage with the CAA Worst Roads voting tool when driving....
A whirling juxtaposition of teeming metropolises and empty, vast landscapes, India would keep me guessing. I spent two years wandering dusty roads, camping out in dilapidated train stations and relying on the kindness of theCouchsurfingcommunity to shave my scraggly beard and mend my tattered clothes...
New York has brutal winters to contend with, making road maintenance extra challenging. Five months of salt and ice means your roads aren't going to be picture perfect. But we're not the only state to get harsh winters. So are our roads really the worst in the U.S.?
You probably spent half the day bouncing around on New Jersey's roads, literally. So, it should come as no surprise to you that New Jersey has among the worst roads in America. Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash Maybe you just finished being tossed around and shaken up and down on a Ne...
The Twitch II costs the same ~$40 as the G10 Terminus XR, and rattles like the interior of a 2001 Camaro that’s spent its whole life driving on the worst roads Detroit has to offer. It combines a lockback with an assisted opener mechanism, which is as illogical and irritating to use...
principle is the same: a low-slung two-wheeler with a ‘feet forward’ riding position, hub-centre steering and, often, car-style, roofed weather protection and luggage capacity. The results looked futuristic, had some value in a straight line and often carved smooth curves on A roads. ...
Farmers say bad roads and a lack of transportation make it difficult for them to get their produce to market. Storage is another problem. And they complain about a big drop in food prices. People at Kenya said the government should make some arrangements—perhaps even give transport. Then, ...