Take the highest deductible that you can afford and that your mortgage holder will allow you to have. Doing that will both lower your premium and discourage you from making small claims unnecessarily. According to Clark, that last part is very important. “You should think of homeowners insuranc...
1. Real estate wire fraud (aka mortgage wire fraud) As the Fisher family found out, real estate fraud is a very real threat. A single real estate scam could net criminals millions of dollars in wealthy neighborhoods like Beverly Hills or Manhattan. ...
Although Texas may be considered the worst state to live and work according to CNBC, it's one of the best states to buy real estate. After mortgage rates rose since 2022, Texas home prices fell. As a result, there are better bargains. Texas is home to leading companies and is attracting...
Look up the Gaussian copula’s used in pricing the mortgage derivatives that lead to the banking collapse. Beautiful mathematics built on bullshit, pulled-out-of-their-ass distributions which had no connection with reality. Almost nothing outside of the lab falls into the easy distributions we al...
Funny guy in a montage of ridiculous situations. The best-rated ad of 2020 was the agency’s Jeep ad, “Groundhog Day,” starring Bill Murray. Funny guy, montage—you get the idea. Add to that the proven Rudd-Rogen chemistry, and you’ve hit standout Super Bowl levels. ...