Montana topped the list of best places to live for mental health, scoring 8.06 out of 10. The state had the lowest number by population of "mentally unhealthy adults" who cannot afford care, and residents took the second鈥恌ewest mental health sick days in 2022. By contrast, Nevada ranked...
Although there are plenty of interesting historical places to explore like the Witch House and the House of the Seven Gables, some are not so great. One of the worst is the Salem Witch Museum which many visitors find too small and underwhelming. The museum features recreations of hangings wit...
Money Inc. has ranked the worst places to live in the Empire State based on crime, employment opportunities, local schools, and access to recreation. Here we will feature the 11 worst on the list, including one of our beloved Capital Region cities. Which is not a well-deserved honor! 1....
Even if we were able to live in every state in America, our experiences are different because of who we are and at what stage of life we're in at the time. At least with the worst states to live and work in, theincomes required to afford a typical homeare also the lowest. My Exp...
private Baptist liberal arts school in Raleigh, NC, probably shouldn’t be at the top of your list of choices for places to get a higher education. The graduation rate is just over 25%, which isn’t very promising. And, those who do graduate wind up stuck with over $28...
Beware The Top Ten Most Dangerous Places To Live In Texas This is the top dangerous place to live in Texas. Odessa YouTube/Nick Johnson Odessa Odessa is a city in western Texas whose crime rate continues to rise. According to a report in Texas Monthly, Odessa's violent crime rate of 806...
- Top places to live: Little Silver (A+), Fair Haven (A+), Holmdel Township (A+) #1. Cape May County Jorge Moro // Shutterstock #1. Cape May County - Niche grades: good for retirees (A), cost of living (C), weather (B-), outdoor activities (A) ...
Nevada 29 172votes Washington 30 118votes Nebraska 31 154votes South Dakota 32 157votes Virginia See what is ranked #1 The 20 Worst Types of Neighbors Vote 33 134votes Wisconsin 34 145votes Minnesota 35 162votes South Carolina 36 139votes ...
Thebluish color of their "glow" is unusualamong creatures that exhibit bioluminescence (or the ability to "light up," thanks to a chemical reaction in the body). Although these lightning bugs are abundant locally, they're found in very few places throughout the world—and they only appear ...
One of themostdifficult places to live in the United States is noneotherthan Sitka, Alaska, due to itsinfamouslyterrible weather. The town is located in an area that receivesa lotof precipitation and is cloudy for themajorityof the year, creating a soggy and dreary atmosphere. ...