阅读理解 Tsunami(海啸) Death Toll to Rise Greatly A senior UN official has described the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami as among the worst-ever natural disasters(灾难).The United Nations
In July 5, 1201 in Egypt and Syria, the deadliest earthquake in recorded history struck making it one of the 10 worst natural disasters of all times. This disaster rocked the eastern Mediterranean and killed over 1.1 million people, destroying countless homes. Nearly every major city within the...
with an estimated death toll of 168,000, but the wave killed people in thirteen other countries around the ocean rim, some as far away as Somalia.
The fire’s official death toll stands at 100, a tragic toll that makes the event Hawaii’s deadliest natural disaster on record. Four residents still remained unaccounted for months after the fire. WATCH: Tragic damage in Lahaina as fire declared worst in ...
News Analysis: Myriad factors responsible for high death toll in Japan's worst weather disaster in 36 years TOKYO, July 11 (Xinhua) -- A number of meteorological, natural and social factors combined to make the perfect storm, which since last Thursday has killed at least 176 people and ...
as search and rescue operations continued Thursday. Roads transformed into raging rivers with little warning as flash floods tore through the eastern region of Valencia, with muddy rapids flinging parked cars around like tin cans in the worst natural disaster to hit the European nation in a ...
The Dust Bowl wasa severe drought and food shortagethat devastated the Southern Plains region of the United States throughout the 1930s. While the Dust Bowl was in part caused by natural environmental factors, human activity played a role in worsening the disaster. In 1862, the Homestead Act ...
The Puerto Rican government finally revised the death toll to 2,975 in August 2018, almost a year after the disaster, after commissioning an independent investigation from George Washington University [source: Fink]. In addition, the damage costs were estimated to be at least $1.31 billion for ...
1. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Ukraine 1986 (INES Level 7) The Chernobyl disaster is the worst nuclear power plant accident ever in terms of death toll and cost. The only other Level 7 accident happened on 26 April 1986 when a steam explosion destroyed reactor number four at the Ukrainian plan...
As forewarned by its dramatic name, this is one of Hong Kong’s deadliest typhoons, killing a record number of 11,000 people. Apart from the devastating death toll, the city must have also taken a financial hit as well, as Victoria Harbour was the seventh busiest harbour in the world, ...