Residential neighborhoods near Interstate 10 in Houston, Texas, sit in floodwater on Aug. 29 2017, in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Marcus Yam/LA Times/Getty Images After traveling through the Gulf of Mexico in late August 2017, Hurricane Harvey arrived in the United States as a Category ...
the humidity is 75.9%, with thepeakbeing around 6 AM. It also gets,on average, over 60 inches of rain per year -notto mention all of the hurricanes which persistentlyfloodthe city.
Here's a question for my fellow Berkshire County friends and neighbors: Are you one of those people that I see every weekend up at the crack of dawn, driving around looking for tag sale signs in order to write down the times and locations so you can plan your day looking for that long...
The Everlys’ delivery of “I’m young, I know / But even so” in Boudleaux’s “Love Hurts” is a master class on how rock was learning to flood oceans of meaning into the slightest of words. 66. Patti Smith (2007) Smith is an interesting figure, a bit too hippieish and too ...