After we go through the ranking, we’ll cover what state has the lowest number of drunk driving deaths, which state has the lowest rate of deaths involving a drunk driver, the record for most DUIs by one person, and where most drunk driving accidents occur. ...
There is even the question, with all these costs, of whether auto insurance covers DUI accidents.#8 – Indianapolis, IndianaArrests per 100K residents: 689 DUI arrests (annual average): 2,013Indianapolis, Indiana, ranks No. 8 on our list of the worst cities for drunk driving with an ...
Want to learn more about how accidents and violations affect your insurance? Check out our guides: Car Insurance After an Accident Car Insurance with Tickets or ViolationsMethodology The Zebra pulled five data points to analyze the top 50 MSAs (by population) in the U.S. related to driving ...
Texas is in the top 3 worst for drunk driving, with nearly 30% of fatal car crashes involving someone driving impaired. Montana has the highest drinking and driving numbers, while New Jersey has the lowest.
Texas is in the top 3 worst for drunk driving, with nearly 30% of fatal car crashes involving someone driving impaired. Montana has the highest drinking and driving numbers, while New Jersey has the lowest.
Texas is in the top 3 worst for drunk driving, with nearly 30% of fatal car crashes involving someone driving impaired. Montana has the highest drinking and driving numbers, while New Jersey has the lowest.
The states with the worst drivers have high rates of fatal car accidents involving speeding, drunk driving, careless driving, and breaking traffic laws. New Mexico and Texas are some of the states with the worst drivers. Driver education and advanced vehicle technology may lower the risk in the...
Canada has seen its fatal road accidents fall 43 percent since 2000 but the rate of deathfrom alcohol consumptionremains high for a developed nation at 34 percent. The United States also has a high rate of road accident fatalities through alcohol at 31 percent while the rate in Germany is on...
In 2023, an estimated 40,990 people died in car accidents.(NHSTA) In May 2022, 12.5 percent of all car crashes occurred on Memorial Day.(NSC) 89 Texans were killed every month in 2023 due to drunk driving, with July and August being highlighted as the two deadliest months.(TxDOT) ...
Maximum posted speed limits aside, distracted and drunk driving play heavily into the metrics of this dataset. The information that Forbes collected shows some key trends. seanfboggs/canva Memphis, Tennessee has the highest number of drunk drivers involved in fatal accidents. Distracted drivers make...