Going to the store less often = spending less money.It’s funny, when I walk into Target looking for bananas I come out with ten new pillows and an avocado hair mask…and no bananas. I try to keep my shopping trips to once a week for this reason. I try not to spend more than $...
In 1939, pulp-magazine publisher Martin Goodman decided to give the new medium of comic books a shot. He called his company “Timely.” Its first publication was a series called Marvel Comics. In time, the company’s flagship title became its name, and Marvel Comics became synonymous with ...
The drumming is lackluster and tinny, and while there’s a nice piano buried in the mix, it’s not nearly enough to rescue the rest of the instrumentation, which is defined primarily by that jarring staccato guitar that drives the song. I’ve never been a fan of that technique, but thi...
Byline: by Dermot Bolger I DON'T wish to exaggerate and claim that I was the worst library...Daily Mail (London)
Trying to cohesively introduce nine main characters in one film is no easy task; just look at writer/director David Ayer’s Suicide Squad for proof. Don't let the trailer or the Oscar win for Best Makeup and Hairstyling fool you, everything you’ve heard about the antihero mashup is tru...
The plot of “The Susie,” a mistaken-identity tale taken four or five steps too far, seems impressive at first, but in the end there are no failures or successes — just confusion. 145. “The Keys” (Season 3). One of a few episodes in Seinfeld’s early seasons that temporarily ...