In response, the New York State legislature enacted new legal statutes known popularly as "Son of Sam laws", designed to keep criminals from profiting financially from the publicity created by their crimes. The statutes have remained law in New York in spite of various legal challeng...
Perillos of Athens created this method for Phalaris of Sicily as a new means of killing criminals. The Brazen Bull was a bronze hollow bull that could fit a person in it. Once the victim was bolted inside, they’d burn a fire under the bull, gradually roasting the victim inside. Somethi...
A veteran detective is teamed with a rookie cop when they are sent to negotiate with a bunch of criminals holding a bank hostage. It transpires that a master thief has planted a computer virus that will drain funds from the bank's accounts. The detective faces a race against time to catc...
With so much for them to gain, it is little wonder that cybercriminals have become relentless, with a cyber attack occurring every 39 seconds on average! Of course, some cyberattacks stand out from the crowd in terms of financial or social damage caused or simply for their sheer audacity. ...
It involves two hapless criminals who escape from custody and are set loose in the country where they are way out of place. I cannot seem to find a mention of the movie on the net anywhere. Cross and the SwitchbladeEverything about this lacked heavily. The dialogue was awful, the acting...
Luffy, Drake, and Bonney are the only known members to be children of other wanted criminals (Revolutionaries in Luffy's and Bonney's case and pirate in Drake's case), with Luffy being the son of Dragon, Drake the son of Barrels, and Bonney the daughter of Ginny. Bonney is also the...
Peaky Blindersis not the only show like this, obviously. Historical flicks largely fall into two separate and distinct categories: the ones about “lady” things (romance, quietly persevering in the face of insurmountable social odds, pretty dresses) and the ones about “manly” things (violence...
A traditional form of punishment has involved removing from a criminal the body part that the person used to commit a crime. Throughout the Middle Ages, for instance, criminals in Britain would face amputation of hands, ears and other body parts by executioners, and the practice isn't by an...
No one seems to be able to agree on Kathryn Bigelow’s action drama about an FBI agent who gets in too deep with a posse of surfing criminals, but whether you love it or hate it, it’s irresistible if it catches you scrolling through cable channels. Even if you’re on the “Point ...
``Let us not forget though that deep down he is still a pony-tailed wannabe who pretended to be Britney Spears.''And Michael Bolton's ``mixture of balding cropped fringe and shoulderlength curly mullet'' has ``cemented his place amongst the world's most horrendous hair criminals ever''....