which was almost too small to fit all the computer’s components. Company co-founder Steve Wozniak said the problems stemmed from letting the marketing team design the computer rather than the engineering team.
There was also the Vtech Laser 500, which unlike the Laser 128, was a clone of nothing but was a bottom of the barrel Z80 computer with BASIC and that's it : "Schools computers" could also fit here, as they made for education and school use but not games. I say "could" because...
Also great nostalgia for me, I'm a couple of years older than Linus but the stuff he uses was what I used in the end of my computer building years (I became a Mac person 15 years ago). March 31, 2023 That video somehow made me feel a lot better about my past PC setups This i...
Have you ever owned a computer that made you want to pull your hair out? Have you ever wondered where that computer would fall on the scale of the worst computers of all time?Well, I just received an email pointing to an article with a rather interesting "info-graphic" that takes us ...
RUNNERS UP -THE EVONY AD LADIES. Look, I like looking at porn stars on my computer as much as the next guy, but in an ad for a strategy game that has none of them at all? What the hell? 9 Archangel Gabriel So, if you're one of the folks who went out and picked upEl Shaddai...
The original film casts Jeff Fahey as Jobe, a simple-minded gardener subjected to tests that turn him into a genius/computer-generated god. Fahey, whose performance was painfully broad, is replaced in the sequel by Matt Frewer, who’s merely bland. ...
Probably a movie made by nut jobs! Hell, nut jobs can make a better movie than The Nut Job.This movie is nuttier than squirrel poop. A blatant rip-off of Over the Hedge. Hollywood has really run out of ideas for new computer-animated movies. Mars Needs Moms The animation is way more...
20 Of The Worst Computer Setups That Deserve A Reboot The Funniest Webcomics About Video Games On The Whole Internet 22 Hilarious PC Gaming Memes Guaranteed To Make Console Players Salty Wonderfully Weird PC and Gaming Ads from the '90s Entertainment 135 people have voted on The 40+ Bes...
A local contact brought me to a computer repair shop today who confirmed: motherboard failure. The motherboard was replaced in APRIL 2024!!! The only thing I could do was to buy a tablet on the spot, and I'm now trying to use a small...
Computer viruses cost an estimated $55 billion each year in cleanup and repair costs. The biggest computer virus ever is the Mydoom virus, which did an estimated $38 billion in damages in 2004. Other notables are the Sobig worm at $30 billion and the Klez worm at $19.8 billion. Thankful...