In 'Who is Lucifer?', The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History (1997), 3. Science quotes on: | Abhor (8) | Ability (162) | Action (342) | Atrocity (6) | Beginning (312) | Best (467) | Blind (98) | Commitment (28) | Devotion (37) | Disguis...
The level of brutality, included beheadings and mutilations, making October 7, 2023, the worst atrocity perpetrated against the Jewish people since the Nazi Holocaust. From its founding in 1987, anti-Semitic Hamas - a spawn of the Moslem Brotherhood - was committed to destroying Israel and ...
Anyone with eyes can see why Ebony White, sidekick to The Spirit is an atrocity of racial stereotypes on an apocalyptic level. Created in the 1940s by Wil Eisner, he drew obvious comparisons to an Uncle Tom from critics and fans alike. Eisner reported receiving letters of both praise and...
Sir John Gregory, (Jeff Bridges) protects the country from Wiccan atrocity. And Mother Malkin (Julianne Moore) is one wretched witch who must be vanquished. Based on "The Spook’s Apprentice" series by English author Joseph Delaney, the fan...
game movie we know of - but to many, one of the worst films, period. We would say it's a perfect example of how directorsshouldn'tadapt games to film... but that would require that people be forced to watch it for themselves. Best take our word for it and skip this atrocity. ...
Anyone with eyes can see why Ebony White, sidekick toThe Spiritis an atrocity of racial stereotypes on an apocalyptic level. Created in the 1940s by Wil Eisner, he drew obvious comparisons to an Uncle Tom from critics and fans alike.Eisner reported receiving letters of both praise and crit...
Bible Adventures. A game mixing all the fun of learning about God with all the excitement of wandering around aimlessly. I know this game didn't actually get the coveted Nintendo Seal of Approval, but it's too bad to not mention here. This was an atrocity released by Wisdom Tree, a com...
atrocity. For holding such a position, he had his membership as well as his permission to be present at the Keene Activist Center revoked last October. Choosing to make the matter public, Chris further entrenched himself in ablog poston the matter. In June of this year, he gained fame ...
I have and I have been discriminated against myself. Not on every trip, but enough to understand it. But a pity party blog about how tough travel is as a muslim right after the muslim generated atrocity in Brussels is mind-blowing. ...
Holocaust cinema has so implicitly existed in the shadow of a single question that it would no longer seem worth asking if not for the fact that it’s never been answered: How do you depict an atrocity? Is seeing necessary for believing, or are some things too unfathomable to adequately ca...