(The Hebrew Scriptures clearly identify Jehovah as the God that the Jews professed to worship. 希伯来语经卷》清楚指出,耶和华就是犹太人声称崇拜的上帝。 jw2019 Some Huguenots chose to worship secretly. 有些胡格诺派信徒决定暗中从事自己的崇拜。 jw2019 The Israelites kept the copper serpent...
Find insightful information on what worship is, how to have right motives, and how to focus your worship on God.
By the first angel, men are called upon to "fear God, and give glory to Him" and to worship Him as the Creator of the heavens and the earth. 第一位天使呼召人"应当敬畏上帝,将荣耀归给他 , " 并要敬拜他为创造天地的主。 ParaCrawl Corpus Attention was directed to such scriptures as...
Talking together about what is going on in our world and in our lives, exploring the Scriptures, extending hospitality, bread bread together, worship/prayer – on this journey we can and do – again and again – encounter Jesus!This theme draws especially from the songs on Bryan’s first ...
The scriptures do however, recommended that certain places be used for worship. These range from a shrine at home - which provides a specific place to worship on a regular basis a temple - any temple of the worshiper's preference certain locations such as places of pilgrimage, which have be...
worship sb as a god把某人尊为神 worship at拜谒… worship at the shrine参拜圣地 worship by hymns唱赞美歌做礼拜 词组短语 nature worship◎自然崇拜,对自然现象的顶礼膜拜 , ◎对大自然的爱好 , ◎(艺术家、诗人)对自然的热爱 , ◎对自然的崇拜(把自然现象或自然力当作神) ...
Copies of the book were given to Sikh communities for use in their places of worship, and these places came to be known as gurdwaras. The last of the 10 Gurus died in 1708, having installed the book of scriptures as Guru (God is the true Guru and He speaks through the scriptures). ...
She provided examples of several Scriptures: Psalm 34:18 – God is close to the hurting. Amos 5:14-15 – God’s desire for justice. Psalm 72 (Mary’s Magnificat) – Prayers for leaders. Leviticus 19:33-34, 24:22 – Care for migrants and refugees....
Losing Sight of the Invisible God The Eucharist: The Antidote to Death Do this in remembrance of me… The Trinity Hymn to the Trinity Empty Worship How to Lead a Lousy Worship Service The Case Against Contemporary Worship Please Stand if You Are Able? Don't Do This in Worship! Historic Ch...
But if he is living a lukewarm faith, or worse as a backslider, he or she would hardly know it or even not get any answer to his or her prayers at all. Intimacy and nearness to God is of utmost importance in all cases. Tagged intimacy with God, prayer1 Comment Favorite Scriptures...