“Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent ...
The creator of this program is what separates it from all the rest.Make Him Worship Youis a relationship and dating program created by a man, exclusively for women. Michael Fiore is the “Head Honcho” and “Chief Troublemaker” at Digital Romance, and has built a successful career working ...
And, while the chipmunk is no equal to the Savior of the World, the chipmunk surely has been created by him. And, he shines his glory all the same, because all creation has been made in adoration. all things have been created through him and for him. 1 Col. 1:16 I guess this is...
You are bathed in the glory of Creation, in the presence of the Creator. Suddenly you begin to sing praises, not for the enjoyment of others but for your own pleasure and for the glory of God. That’s the Christian life. Spontaneous worship is just that. It’s worship that breaks out...
It’s not that God wants us beaten down and miserable, but He wants us to find our happiness, peace, contentment, and satisfaction in Him. We will never find happiness in the things of creation, only in our wonderful Creator! As the psalmist invites us in Psalm 34: ...
the game offers multiple ways to ease you into the main event, microgame creation: one way is the “jobs” section, where you can take on tasks to replace artwork from microgames (taken from the original warioware title, i believe). the photoshop-like art creator, which is pretty much the...
For example, a prayer about climate change might start with “God of creation, you created the earth and called it very good,” and then ask for humanity to turn away from destructive behaviors, seeking courage and wisdom to honor the world as God’s creation. Pear...
The good creation Creation care Voluntary simplicity (Next week: "Bill's story." This post is excerpted from my book, A Renewed Spirituality. Illustration: Winter day in Queenstown by Dave Baab. If you'd like to receive an email when I post on this blog, sign up under "subscribe" in...
God As Creator (5) God's Attributes (50) God's Creation (2) God's Love (2) God's Word (1) Good (25) Good Friday (998) Good Thursday (1) Goodness (864) Gospel (123) Grace (2102) Grace (190) Graduation (3) Gratitude (420) Grave (461) Great Commission (4) Greatness (677)...
When the King shall come again(text by Christopher Idle, b. 1938): The images illustrate the hymn’s vision of a redeemed Creation: earth’s loveliness restored …rivers spring up … ransomed people march on God’s highway toward “the Lord with glory crowned.” ...