house of God,house of prayer,house of worship bethel- a house of worship (especially one for sailors) building,edifice- a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; "there was a three-story building on the corner"; "it was an imposing edifice...
Great God Eternal – A Modern Hymn from Perimeter Worship Worship Leaders Worship Leaders Matt Papa – Faith and Singing: A Discussion Culture Culture Handing Down Our Faith to the Next Generation From The Directors From The Directors Are You an Attender or a Worshiper?
Find insightful information on what worship is, how to have right motives, and how to focus your worship on God.
This day alyeve, to-morow on thy grave; This day a wyse man, to-morow but a foole; This day in worship, To-morow but a knave. ["Peter Idley's Instructions to His Son," c. 1450] worship(v.) c. 1200,worshipen, "pay divine honors to, conduct religious rites, participate in ...
Worship of Bhagavan (the Lord or God) is one of the two central themes of SanatanaDharma, the other being righteousness[1]. It encompassesawide variety of activities ranging from direct prayer to rituals todanceand drama[2]. It involves invoking higher forces to assist in spiritual and mater...
Featuring songs like “King of Kings” and “No One But You”, “Awake” exists to shoot adrenaline into the souls of every worshipper as they magnify Jesus and to arm the Church with songs that shift realities by the power of the Holy Spirit, fuel a move of God on the earth and bri...
Noble as a god, the Dragon King is invited into temples, and worshipped by believers. His majestic and unique power makes him the controller of weather and water, and he may let it rains a lot, and he may order no rainfalls, which would in a great sense, have an impact on farming....
1. Christians worship God. 基督教徒信仰上帝。 2. The Greeks used to worship several gods. 希腊人过去信奉多神。 名词 1. She became an object of worship. 她成了一个被崇拜的对象。 2. We attended worship this morning. 今晨我们去做礼拜了。