Worst: Used to denote the most negative or inferior condition, worst compares more than two things or a group. Worst is the superlative form of bad, meaning “most bad.” But that storm last week was the worst I’ve seen. These words are just like the adjectives better and best, which...
from bad to worse if (the) worse comes to (the) worst if worse comes to worse make matters worse none the worse for wear someone's bark is worse than his/her bite take a turn for the worse take a turn for the worse/better (the) worse for wear worse off Articles...
WORSE meaning: 1 : lower in quality; 2 : less pleasant, attractive, appealing, effective, useful, etc.
Worse vs. Worst | Meaning & Usage 3:52 3:46 Next Lesson Past vs. Passed | Differences, Usage & Examples When to Use Advisor or Adviser When to Use Less or Fewer Which is Correct: Use To or Used To? 3:22 Needless to Say Expression | Meaning, Uses & Examples 3:38 Whe...
The meaning of IF WORSE COMES TO WORSE is if the worst possible thing happens. How to use if worse comes to worse in a sentence.
adj(comparative of 'bad') inferior to another in quality or condition or desirability Related Words comparative comparative degree Antonyms better adjchanged for the worse in health or fitness Synonyms worsened Antonyms better adv(comparative of 'ill') in a less effective or successful or desirable ...
is scarcely found in literature, but, like other words of similar sense, it prob. flourished in vulgar speech as an indefinite term of abuse, and at length, divested of its original meaning, emerged in literary use as a mere adj.,badde, equiv. to the olderevil. [Century Dictionary, 189...
Worseandworstare both forms of the wordbad.Worseis what’s called the comparative form, basically meaning “more bad.”Worstis the superlative form, basically meaning “most bad.”Worseis used when making a comparison to only one other thing:Your breath is bad, but mine is worseorThe situat...
and used as recently as Defoe (but not by Shakespeare), but yielded to comparative worse and superlative worst (which had belonged to evil and ill). The meaning "uncomfortable, sorry" is 1839, American English colloquial. To go bad "putrefy" is from 1884. Not bad "fairly good" is by ...
In addition to the idiom beginning withworse, also seeall the (worse);bark is worse than one's bite;fate worse than death;for better or for worse;from bad to worse;if worst comes to worst;none the worse;take a turn for the better (worse). Also see underworst. ...