英语有声读物 - Worms in the Garden 322021-08 3 英语有声读物 - Let's Make A Snack 592021-08 4 英语有声读物 - The Busy Bee 592021-08 5 英语有声读物 - Up in the Tree 652021-08 6 英语有声读物 - Fresh from the Farm 572021-09 7 英语有声读物 - Who Loves Flowers? 262021-09 8 英...
4. Back from the vacation, the family was very happy to see their garden taken good care of by volunteers.度假回来后,这家人很高兴看见他们的花园被志愿者照顾得很好。5. Helen had to raise her voice to make herself heard in this noisy lecture hall.海伦不得不在这个喧闹的演讲厅里提高嗓门好让...
There is a story that a princess was in her garden having a cup of te a under a mulberry tree when a silkworm cocoon fell into her teacup. When she took it out, the thread started to unwind(展开),and she 20 it was one long thread. Later she gathered many cocoons and wove a ...
Wireworms are no joke; you don’t want these pests in your garden. Gardeners must work vigilantly to prevent them from finding your garden and move quickly to stop infestations. A fight against wireworms might last for years unless you take proper steps! The Lifecycle of Wireworms The wire...
(Animals) any of various polychaete worms that construct and live in a tube made of sand, lime, etc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Cutworms can be a major annoyance in the garden, particularly for young seedlings or fresh transplants. Here’s how to identify, prevent, and get rid of cutworms in your garden. What Are Cutworms? “Cutworm” is the name used for the larvae of a number of moth species. The adult mot...
The cocoon of a silkworm is made of one thread of silk about 1,000 feet long! The story of19 silk began goes back to ancient China. There is a story that a princesses was in her garden having a cup of tea under a mulberry tree when a silkworm cocoon fell into her teacup. When ...
He wants to eat worms(虫子).Will is a worm. He sees Bud 2 in the sky. "Bud is looking for 3. I must hide!"says Will.Will moves near a tree 4. He hides in the shade(树荫), but the shade does not hide him,Will moves to the garden. He looks 5. He finds an apple on t...
You probably don’t want to find one as you bite into your apple, and surely your pet pooch could do without them infesting its digestive tract, but worms are a vital part of soil ecosystems in the garden and on the farm. Earthworms, which should not be
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected frombudworms) bud·worm (bŭd′wûrm′) n. A moth larva that feeds on plant buds. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin...