Make “Worm Tea” on-demand! Spray it on the plants, stems, leaves for lusher growth Feeds on your leftovers! Greenify your space Lower your carbon footprint Now you can grow your own worm castings from home...without smells or messes (even from a tiny apartment)!
Greenhill Worm Farm is a NC Family Owned Farm and our worm castings are the best thing for plants since water. Try it and see...
a permeable bag made from burlap or an old pillowcase and then steep it in a bucket of clean water for 24 hours, or until the tea is light brown in color. Because the tea is full of beneficial living microbes, it should be applied to your plants within a couple of days after making...
Define Worm tea. Worm tea synonyms, Worm tea pronunciation, Worm tea translation, English dictionary definition of Worm tea. an anthelmintic tea or tisane. See also: Worm Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co
Casting Tea: For 24 hours, soak 1 part earthworm castings to 3 parts water, aerate if possible, and spray (added molasses may help to adhere to plants better). Established Roses: For every plant, wield 3-4 cups of earthworm castings into soil below surface. New Roses, Trees, Berries, ...
Worm compost - great for soil and plants Compost tea - liquid nourishment for your garden Worm composting as a home business Earthworm info Earthworms Compost worms Catching carp with earthworms Gardening with worms earthworms for a better garden ...
I used the worm tea for my orchids as I do not like to use pesticides. It is doing a great job. I like knowing it is safe for the environment. — Rose, Englewood Orchid Society ★★★ I have some strawberries and tomato plants that were nearly dead. I put them in worm castings...
Live composting worms and organic, nutrient-rich fertilizers for gardeners and farmers to grow stronger, healthier plants.
This is crucial for food crops, but not as much for ornamental flowers. However, it is still best to play it safe. You can still harm ornamental plants if not properly brewed. Text Tutorial on How to make compost tea or making worm tea ...
How To Make Worm Casting Tea Soak ¾ of a cup of worm castings in one or two gallons of water Let it steep (hence “tea”) for at least a day Strain the castings out of the water Pour the liquid into a spray bottle Spray this solution on your plants every week or two to ensu...