A live countdown to the Lunar New Year (also known as Chinese New Year) for Hong Kong, Hanoi, Vietnam, and New York on January 25, 2020. While most of the world celebrates the New Year on January 1, many people also celebrate the traditional new year based on the lunar calendar. Ce...
To avoid the estimation of spurious regression, the unit-root test was conducted on each of the time series variables. It can be clearly seen from table 4.1 that NEV is stationary at level form, RDGP, NMV and BOP are stationary at second difference while REXRT, FDI and TOT are ...
They are from the same root, munus, meaning an individual’s service or duty to the public body, including and going up to the sacrifice of his or her body, for example in the gladiatorial arena. And I suppose it could be seen to include self-sacrifice in the political arena or self-...
The value is not accurate since I use square root or log10 for those large values, but you can know the rough magnitude. Here ld is long double, d is double, s is single, h is half. Also log is the log10 and error is the accuracy error calculated from score. → Reply ...
When it comes to the best open world games, the vast sweep of contenders matches the size and scope of the worlds they encompass. Being dropped into a massive map is always exciting, whether you're a staunch fan of the best RPGs where exploration is king, unravelling mysteries in one of...
(mean values: R2 = 0.93, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) = 2.7 °C, Mean Absolute Error (MAE) = 2.1 °C). The provided dataset contains day, night, and daily mean LST for the Eastern Mediterranean. We provide a Google Earth Engine code and a web app that ...
World Wind, an open source 3D interactive world viewer, was created by NASA's Learning Technologies project, and released in mid-2004. It is now developed by NASA staff and open source community developers. - World-Wind-Java/GDAL/GDAL-1.7.2/alg/gdaltrans
Root factors are entirely independent, and are usually believed to affect utility indirectly through relationships with proximate factors. Proximate factors are those for which a direct causal link to the utility function can be drawn. For example, gender, a root factor, may affect the utility of...
and always one side of the square is missing— the project was never completed the buildings were recently demolished, always black stains of the high windows' tears reach down the sheer precinct walls, narrowing to a paint-brush's point above ...
According to the root mean square error, the proposed combination technique enhanced the vertical and horizontal accuracies of the geo-positioning process to up to 0.8 and 1.8 m, respectively. Such accuracy is considered very high in orthorectification. The proposed technique is easy to use and ...