PS4Standard Edition 平均評分為4.19顆星(滿分5顆星),共18K則評分 4.19 18K個評分 NT$1,190 線上遊玩需要PS Plus 最多支援8名加入PS Plus的線上玩家 可在線上遊玩 1名玩家 支援遙控遊玩 PS4版本 DUALSHOCK 4震動功能 分級 World War Z: Aftermath (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 繁體中文) ...
PS4 Average rating 4.11 stars out of 5 stars from 47 ratings 4.11 47 ratings NT$150 Online play optional 1 player Remote Play supported PS4 Version DUALSHOCK 4 vibration Horror, Objectionable Language, Violence Ratings World War Z: Aftermath - Zeke Hunter Weapons Pack (English/Chinese/Korean/Ja...
I’ve only got World War Z on PS4 so if I buy the upgrade to Aftermath would I then be able to upgrade to the PS5 version free? songsufan2003 January 27, 2023 at 1:32 AM GMT+8 我试过了 不能 我购买了DLC 还是不能升级到PS5版 依然需要花钱购买PS5版 ...
World War Z: Aftermath is out now for PlayStation®4, Xbox One, and PC alongside backwards compatibility for PlayStation®5 and Xbox Series X at 4K and 60FPS. For our longtime WWZ community, you can purchase and play the Aftermath upgrade at a discounted price on PlayStation, Xbox and...
【5.05】PS4《僵尸世界大战:劫后余生 World War Z Aftermath》中文版PKG下载(1.52补丁+20DLC),这是一款打僵尸主题的动作射击游戏,是僵尸世界大战的续作,喜欢的玩家不要错过。《僵尸世界大战:劫后余生》是一款制作精良的合作类僵尸射击游戏,其灵感源自于派拉蒙影业公司拍摄的热门影片,同时这款游戏也是对原作《僵尸世界...
World War Z: Aftermath - Valley of the Zeke Episode ₹832 DLC notifications Alert favorite Like add_circle To Lib visibility_off Hide World War Z: Aftermath - Victory Lap Weapons Skin Pack ₹415 DLC notifications Alert favorite Like add_circle To Lib visibility_off Hide World War ...
World War Z is a heart-pounding coop third-person shooter for up to 4 players featuring swarms of hundreds of zombies. Based on the Paramount Pictures film, World War Z focuses on fast-paced gameplay while exploring new storylines from around the world. ...
World War Z is a heart-pounding co-op third-person shooter for up to 4 players featuring swarms of hundreds of zombies. Based on the Paramount Pictures film, World War Z focuses on fast-paced gameplay while exploring new storylines from around the world. ...
Check out Rome, Kamchatka, first-person combat, and more in the gameplay overview trailer for World War Z: Aftermath!
World War Z, the heart-pounding zombie shooter that has captivated over 15 million players now arrives on Nintendo Switch. Inspired by the Paramount Pictures film, World War Z focuses on fast-paced third-person shooter gameplay featuring swarms of hundreds of zombies. ...